
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Cow




Friday, June 5, 2009

♪ I Will Find You by Moya Brennan ♫


上 Body Balance 的氣氛總是很好。常常,累了悶了一整天,燈光一暗,音樂一下,隨著如水的旋律動起來的時候,心裡那面灰色的牆好像也融化了。

Moya Brennan 的 I Will Find You 是其中一課的太極暖身曲。她的聲音好溫暖,編曲又很空靈。彷彿空曠的草地上方,有壓得低低的積雨雲,雲的縫隙透著流動的光束。非常愛爾蘭的音樂感性。每次聽都會有想哭的感覺。

不過現在讓我更想哭的,是 Andy 的來信。他說:「不要哭,喜歡這種音樂,我家有好幾張他們的 CD,再拿給妳聽。」

每次都愛在我訴苦求救時譏諷我在無病呻吟的 Andy,忽然說出這麼溫柔的話,大大地嚇了我一跳(笑)。有什麼音樂是他沒有聽過的嗎?i wonder......

Andy 指的「他們」是 Brennan 一家人。原來她是 Enya 的姊姊,在她們各自單飛出道前,曾和家中兄弟組了一個團體,名叫 Clannad。

我現在手邊只有 Moya 的兩張專輯,Signature 和 An Irish Christmas。雖然沒再找到第二首 I Will Find You,我仍喜歡姊姊的 Irish Folk 遙勝過以 New Age 走紅國際赫赫有名的妹妹。

好期待聽到她和 Clannad 的其他專輯:) 謝謝 Andy!(心)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Things Do Happen for a Reason

tonight, browsing through as usual stuffs i have to read and those i want to read, i happened to see two random quotations in my blog....

Life is a lot like jazz... it's best when you improvise.
     by George Gershwin 1898 – 1937

Things don't go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be.
     by Samuel Johnson 1709 – 1784

it makes me believe that things do happen for a reason, however elusive and ineffable it might first appear to be.

come what may. it's ours to face.