
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dear Mr. Incredible

Dear Mr. Incredible,

  Thank you so so much for your reply. I was on the brink of giving up on my faith in the good and the just when I received your mail the other night. But there you are, in red, blue, and white, with your cape flowing behind. The picture gave me warmth, strength, and, above all, hope. I somehow do believe that a nihilistic generation like ours is more than any one else in desperate need of super heroes and all that they stand for.

  Your posture suggests determination. The lines around the corners of your mouth speak of a persevering soul. You look like you are ready to take off in any minute. You look like you could travel to where no man has ever been, not with a cape or a pair of wings, but with your thirst for knowledge and your soaring imagination. And you look like you could see through what no one else has ever been able to penetrate, not with x-ray vision that sort of superman ability, but with your understanding heart and your all embracing compassion.

  Mr. Incredible, thank you for everything. Thank you for simply being here.

with love and a big big smile,

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